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30 June 2023 at 4:17pm
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SGR Article: Malay tycoon the common link in Steve McCann’s foreign workcation

SGR Article: High-roller exodus rolls on at struggling Star casinos

SGR Article: Star’s ‘lost’ six months could cost it dearly

SGR Ann: Proposed NSW casino duty rates update

SGR Article: Star mops up insto leg of $750m raise; Mathieson’s stake unclear

SGR Article: Star launches $750m equity raise at 60¢ a share

SGR Ann: Agreement to sell Sheraton Grand Mirage Gold Coast

SGR Ann: Notification of change in substantial shareholding-Perpetual

SGR Ann: Change in substantial holding from PPT

SGR Ann: Update on sale of interests in Treasury Brisbane

SGR Ann: Queen's Wharf Brisbane Update

SGR Ann: Notification of change in substantial shareholding -State St

SGR Ann: Notification of ceasing to be a substantial holder

SGR Ann: Change in substantial holding

SGR Ann: Ceasing to be a substantial holder

SGR Article: Star CEO Cooke bites the bullet on job cuts, redundancies fly

SGR Ann: Notification of cessation of securities - SGR

SGR Article: Star Entertainment goes from bad to worse

SGR Ann: Trading Update, Cost Initiatives & Sydney Strategic Review

SGR Ann: Executive Team Update

SGR Ann: Final Director's Interest Notice - B.Heap

SGR Ann: Notification of cessation of securities - SGR

SGR Ann: Notification regarding unquoted securities - SGR

SGR Ann: Change of Director's Interest Notice - D.Page

SGR Ann: Change of Director's Interest Notice - D.Foster

SGR Ann: Change of Director's Interest Notice - M.Issenberg

SGR Ann: Change of Director's Interest Notice - B.Heap

SGR Ann: Notification of ceasing to be a substantial holder

SGR Ann: Notification of change in substantial shareholding -State St

SGR Ann: Ceasing to be a substantial holder

SGR Ann: Change in substantial holding

SGR Ann: Notification of change in substantial shareholdings -CTF,FEC

SGR Ann: Change in substantial holding - The Star Group

SGR Ann: Change in substantial holding - FEC Group

SGR Ann: Change in substantial holding - CTF Group

SGR Article: Star Entertainment cleans out board a year after Bell Review

SGR Article: Star Entertainment cleans out board a year after Bell Review

SGR Ann: Appointment of Chairman

SGR Ann: Application for quotation of securities - SGR

SGR Ann: Cleansing Notice

SGR Ann: Successful completion of Retail Entitlement Offer

SGR Ann: Initial Director's Interest Notice - Deborah Page

SGR Ann: Appointment of Deborah Page as Non-Executive Director

SGR Ann: Becoming a substantial holder

SGR Ann: Notification of Substantial Shareholding - Dimensional

SGR Ann: Notification of ceasing to be a substantial holder -JPMorgan

SGR Ann: Becoming a substantial holder

SGR Ann: Ceasing to be a substantial holder

SGR Ann: Notification of Substantial Shareholding - Perpetual

SGR Ann: Becoming a substantial holder from PPT

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